Friday, September 19, 2008

We have not slept in days! Keegan has pneumonia, bronchitis and an ear infection all at the same time. Thank God his fever finally broke last night because for 2 days he was carrying a very high temperature ranging from 102 to 104. It has been very hard on all of us these past few days. Michele has been battling allergy issues and some cramping but is starting to feel better (another praise). It is so hard as a parent to watch one of your kids just suffer and you feel so helpless. I told my mom that I was just begging God to take this from Keegan and give it to me and she was like I prayed that so many times over us when we were sick as kids.
Well I won’t get any more sleep tonight as the youth are having a Rock-A-Thon to raise money for Winter Camp!
Well enjoy the pictures and please pray for Keegan and Michele!
The Lockes

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