Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Wow we have been so busy around here with work and home I am finally getting the pictures up from the Grand Canyon part 2 "The South Rim". We had some family friends over from Germania and it was just a pleasure to have Raphaela and her mom here and to show them around the AZ.

Well baby names... Ok alot of you have chosen to suggest a Olympic theme and gone with Michael as in the golden boy. Christopher is another popular one. As you know we tend to go with unique names... We were leaning towards Arie or Ari but since we have way to many rednecks and hill billies in our family we have decided not to go with that! lol Could not stand to have our son's name not pronounced correctly at every family function! lol its all good we love our redneck and hill billy family!

So we have nothing! except the name I am pushing for.. Moses so he can sing "Let my people go!" Moses Mohammed would be nice cause we all need to get along... lol

Keep the suggestions coming... think outside the box... my sister Mary was thinking in a peculiar box with Obi Kwon and Juan Kwon nice but probably not! lol

Well soccer starts this week for the kids so you know pics will be coming from that and we finally got Greyson's all-star pics back and Alana's softball pics so those are coming soon as well.

Work is great! We are nearing 80 youth on our roles!!! God is so amazing! Psalm 115:1 its all about Him!

Oh some of you know that we have a youtube thing and we put some of our videos up there so if you didn't here is the link...

enjoy and have a Blessed Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Michael wasn't for Phelps it was for boy version of Michelle :-)

Okay outta the box and into the new family homestead Canyon Kwon Locke

Or let me look up but the Intuit word for patience is cool.