Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a day! One of my youth lives right on the edge of the desert and invited to go riding quads and it was so much fun! The kids are really quick learners. Greyson was really tearing it up... I was very impressed. Also I included some pics from my trip to Hesperus,CO I went up to visit the youth camp we are going to in July. Colorado is so beautiful I cannot wait to take the family. Also had to include Keegan eating his first fudge pop. Oh for some family memnbers Keegan wants everyone to know he loves Elmo! I mean you cant go through a store with out him freaking out when he sees Elmo. It doesnt matter if its a book stuffed animal he just goes nuts! Oh and talk about the Hounchell side of him when he sees Elmo on tv we are talking total zombie! LOL Its like Michele watching the sci-fi channel or some b-movie!

I hope everyone is having a great day!


The Lockes

I love me some fudge pops!

pics from the quad ride today

pics from the quad ride today

pics from the quad ride jack rabbit!

pics from the quad ride today

These are from the Navajo National Monument... some where on the rez

The first pic is from far away..thats what is inside that hole..Navajo National Monument

Navajo Monument and Hesperus, CO

Hesperus, CO

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Well Michele just got back from her 1st ultrasound and below you will find baby#4 1st pic! Well she is further along than we 1st thought. She is almost 12 weeks and her new due date is 01/09/2009... If you know what we go through during mid-december and the first of January already with b-days and anniversaries I know your feeling for us! ugh... It's all good though. Michele said the baby was moving all around and sounded and looked good so we are so happy.

Well family start making travel plans now! LOL

LOve y'all back to work!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Everyone!

Heloo we just got back from the Kaibab National Forest and it was wicked awesome! I mean it was just beautiful. We just cannot beleieve we live here! It was really cool and I mean that literally too! Our camp site was at 8,000 ft above sea level and it was 31 degrees on the first night there but then it would get up to 80 degrees during the day it was just so much fun. We rode quads all day and just hung out at the fires at night. The food? This was no camp food i have never had!!! Then they brought out these dutch ovens and they did this 4 couse meal on them and i was just blown away.

Well Greyson starts All-Star practice at 7 am and then again at 6 pm! 2 adays! wow they are serious about baseball here!!! lol its all good!

Oh alot of people ask about starting a blog. look at the top right of the screen and it says start blog or get blog just hit that!

Bye and much love! Tuesday i am guessing we will find out Michele's due date.. for the triplets! lol just kidding! its twins! lol she just hit me!

Keegan hanging out in my office... Just awesome pics from the Navajo Bridge.

Alana & Greyson on Navajo Bridge... Keegan w/ Mr. Wilson!!! Alana driving around Mr. Dale.