Friday, March 28, 2008

We are Here!

Hello from the AZ! Wow what a trip... alot of pictures so enjoy. Things are just great and we are almost done getting everything situated! (I mean Michele) I cannot express how awesome it was when we pulled up in town. They had a whole crew over and what took us 2 days to pack it only took hour and half to unload. Not to mention the house was fully stocked, fridge, pantry and everything in between. What ananswer to prayers. We were just in tears on how awesome everyone has been. It's like wow this is what it feels to be a part of a church family! It was just amazing.

The kids are doing their sports already. Greyson is a bit overwhelmed he is playing in majors because the ages here are 9 to 12 are together because of the # of kids in the city. But he is doing great and its gonna be scary how good he will be by the time he is 12. Alana has her first practice this coming Monday.

I have already done a jr high service and youth worker meeting and everything is good. Michele has been awesome getting the house in order plus taking care of the kids while I am at work. My hat off to her. She is the best.

Well we are almost settled so we are ready for visitors! So come on out!

Love you all!

The Lockes


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! So glad you are all settled and have peeps to take care of you there!

Anonymous said...

Judy and Jon!!!!!
Why did ya'll leave us? I know I never see ya anymore, but I still claim you as a FRIEND!!!! It was really good being able to go to church with you the short time I did. I know you are happy to be close to your kids and they are surely glad to see you as well.
Ya'll take care and one day we will meet again....God Bless You!!
Shirley Griffin

The Timekeeper said...

Wow - - what a trip! Looks like you guys made it. Hope everything is going good and hope God continues to bless. Please keep in touch. We love the pictures (never been that far west...yet). Mik say's 'HI' to Alana, too. Talk to ya'll soon,
The Miller's