Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hey everyone I still do not have my laptop but trying to make due with my work one.

Alana news- I don't know why especially with the cast but "In the Electric Mist" is going straight to dvd on March 24th. Alana is devastated all she wanted to do was the premiere. :( Well she will be in LA soon for Pilot Season so hopefully that will be fruitful. So stay tuned for that...

Well here is the info!

Ian Kwon 19" 7 lbs 15 oz born 12/22/2008

Mom and baby are doing great!

What a wonderful Christmas this is for us!!!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Love the Lockes

This is Michele is labor and this is what I did while she was in labor!!! What? It was a great game!!! lol

mom and baby! Keegan and Ian meet for 1st time!

the kids and Nana with Ian!

GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! The 40 plus year old baby take home outfit and Ian w/ Keegan

Greyson's 11th and Snow! (Alana's b-day pics on my laptop that crashed! ugh)